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SCG's frequently asked questions
Do I have to be a business major to apply?Any and all majors are welcome to apply. We hope to build a team and environment with different perspectives of majors, people and backgrounds.
What is the recruiting process?Our recruiting process consists of an application, followed by three rounds of interviews. Recruitment to become a part of SCG's Spring 2023 Business Analyst Class is coming up soon! The recruitment cycle will be posted in Winter 2022, on the "Join" page with dates and events starting in January 2023.
What does intergration into SCG look like?We understand that not everyone who comes into SCG has a vast amount of experience in casing or consulting. We have talented leaders in our organization that will take you through our Business Analyst (BA) Bootcamp that will provide you will all the resources you will need to be successful. We expect our BA's to come in as engaged and curious to learn, which we believe will lead to success in our group.
I'm not professionally interested in consulting, is SCG still the right fit for me?Absolutely. Although SCG is a consulting firm, we provide students with real world professional experiences. The skills you learn from being on various engagements and an active member of SCG are those that can be transferable to any industry. Many of our members have been able to land internships and jobs based on their experiences in SCG. After graduation and post-SCG, our alumni have gone on to pursue careers in consulting, marketing, tech, engineering, supply chain, and many more.
What does SCG look for in applicants?We believe in having a team with a diversity of thought, passions, and backgrounds. We look for candidates who we believe will be successful in our group and provide value in our client engagement teams. This means being a passionate problem-solver and having a curiosity to learn. Our members are effective communicators, critical thinkers, and embody the values of our organization.
When and where do I apply?Our Spring 2023 application opens in January 2023 through Handshake. Additionally, a link to apply will be posted on our website under "Join". Applications for Spring 2023 will close in January 2023.
How do I get in contact with SCG for a possible project?Please submit a contact form at, or contact Syed Zaidi with any interest. We look forward to working with you!
What is the cost of an engagement with SCG?Engagement fees are subjective based on the amount of work required, length of project, and skill level of the consultants staffed on the project. Internal analyses are performed to arrive at proposed engagement fees. These analyses account for each consultant’s intern salaries to price each engagement individually.
How long are projects with the SCG team?Engagements are typically structured on a per-semester basis. Typically, this involves a project kickoff in either September or January, with final presentations and deliverables due in December or April.
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